Privacy policies

QUINTA CARACOL S.A. DE C.V., with address in APPLE 8 LOTE2 SECTOR P, in the municipality of Santa María Huatulco, Oaxaca, C.P. 70989, is responsible for collecting your personal data, the use that is given to them and their protection.

The information that is collected will be used to (i) verify and confirm your identity, (ii) provide the service or product you request or contract, (iii) keep contact records updated for commercial purposes, (iv) evaluate the quality of the product or service that contracts and (v) provide the preventive and corrective service of the contracted products or services.

For the aforementioned purposes, the personal data that we require, according to the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, are:

(i) Full name. (ii) Electronic address. (iii) Domicile. (iv) Private telephone. (v) Federal Taxpayers Registry (R.F.C.). (vi) Single Registry of Population Registry (C.U.R.P.) e (vii) Financial and / or banking information.

You have the right to access, rectify and cancel your personal data, as well as to oppose the processing thereof or revoke the consent you have granted us for this purpose, through the procedures we have implemented. To know these procedures, requirements and deadlines, you can contact our personal data department at

QUINTA CARACOL S.A. DE CV, undertakes not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent except the exceptions provided in Article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, as well as to make this transfer in the terms specified by this law.

We reserve the right to update at any time this privacy notice, for amendments to the law, for the provision and offer of our services or products, internal policies or market practices, these modifications will be sent to the last email that has provided us.

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