Privacy policies

Based on Articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals we inform you that Hotel Rancho Encantado, with physical address  2Carretera Federal 307 km 24 Bacalar, Q.Roo, Cp. 77930, Mexico  is responsible for collecting personal data, the use that is given to them and their protection.

Your personal information will be used to provide the services, products and information you have requested, inform them about changes and evaluate the quality of service to you, under the name "OPERADORA PARASOL S. DE R.L. DE C.V." residing in Av. Tulum Mza. 1 Lote No. 40 Sm. 2 Planta Alta  Cancun, Quintana Roo, Cp. 77500, Mexico.

For the purposes mentioned above as the case, we need to obtain the following personal data:

  • Full name
  •  and / or mobile
  • Email
  • Street address
  • RFC and / or CURP
  • Credit card

It is important to inform you of your right to cancel their personal data and access, rectify, to object to their treatment or revoke consent for this purpose have given us.

It is therefore necessary to direct the request pursuant to the Law in its Article 29 to the Department of Protection of Personal Data, head of our Department of Protection of Personal Data, located on Av. Tulum Mza. 1 Lote No. 40 Sm.2 Planta Alta Cancun, Quintana Roo, Cp. 77500, Mexico, or, to communicate on the phone 52 998 884 20 71 or by email at, which confirms request by phone to ensure proper reception.

Furthermore, we inform you that Operadora Parasol S. DE R.L. DE C.V not transfer personal information to third parties.

In case you do not obtain your express personal data to be transferred in the manner and terms described above opposition, we understand that you have consented tacitly to that.

Important: Any changes to this Privacy Notice may consult en


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Hotel Rancho Encantado